Mary Rose, now 86 Years Old, is Our Local Treasure. We First Sang Together in 1977
Mary Rose Sings Original Songs

SUNDAY MAY 31 at 2-2:30 PM
Mary Rose has written many songs over the years. She performs mainly acoustic feminist folk music. Mary Rose is known for such songs as Oregon Rain, Watch Out for Me, I’m My Own Woman Now, and Real Gone Mama.
Eugene L. Box, Accredited T’ai Chi Chih Teacher and Dr. Marcella Box’s Father Demonstrates T’ai Chi Chih
Dad gave Barb and me our first Tai Chi Chih lesson. He’s 74 in this video. — Dr. Marcella Box
Bella Box Interview on TCC, Yoga, and Dance
Check Out Soul Motion, A Conscious Dance Practice
I feel nourished by enjoying Conscious Dancing with Vinn Martinez, Founder of Soul Motion. Vinn Martinez inspires us with the conscious dance. Soul Motion holds weekly Zoom events.
— Dr. Bella Box
We Married Three Times
How many people do ya know
who have been married three times
to the same person
never divorced
from that person?

Wedding #1 Our Spiritual Wedding (Not Legal Yet)
March 16, 1991
Beaverton Unitarian Church
Married by Minister Frodo Okulam
We sparkle with JOY
We LOVE you, Louise
Wedding #2 Our Temporary Wedding (Legal for Four Months)
March 2004
Portland County Courthouse Steps
Married by James Taylor
Minister of the Universalist Church

Wedding #3 Our Last Wedding (Legal)
January 31, 2015
Enzios Italian Restaurant
Married by our Brother,
Lowen Berman,
Minister of the Universalist Church
Mothers Day Message from Sarahjoy
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Dear Marcella, It’s Mother’s Day. I hope you are getting meaningful emails from all the places you will receive such messages today. Looking through the lens of yoga and India, when people speak about India it is very common to call her “Mother India”. This reference is throughout India and the world (especially for those who have visited). There is an intrinsic sense of the sacred, the holy, the divine infused throughout India in its culture, its citizens, its rituals, and its philosophies. Mother India will always welcome us. And, she will, no doubt, transform us too. Often in ways that we could not have predicted, may not have preferred, and yet, must surrender too. The tradition of yoga comes from this land and is, therefore, also inherently a path of transformation, not by our own design. But a larger transforming through the divine. This will require both our dedication (abhyasa) to practice the tools of yoga and our surrender (vairagyam) of how we think this should all be turning out! I look forward to seeing you on the mat, online, anytime you can join us. (The link for the online schedule is on my website.) May this Mother’s Day be one of transformation in just the ways your life is needing. Yours on the path, Sarahjoy |
Mary Rides To Eugene
We are in the backseat of our car. I am laying down and have my head in your lap. We are moving down I5 to Eugene. There is a death. It's another family member. 1. Louise left 2. Lisa left next 3. Then Mom 4. And next Ann That's the current tally This drive down I5 is to be with Lisa and her family and her friends. You are sharing your precious, shiny heart. You talk about your mom. I feel profound sadness. I know this story. Your Frat Twin talks about it Sometimes I rest my head On your lap I am so deeply sad to lose my baby sister, Lisa. You comfort me We are mothering each other — by Dr. Bella Box
Car Accident in 1972
Bliss, Warmth, Love, Only Love
I was a passenger in a car accident in 1972. While in intensive care, I experienced leaving this beautiful temple I am living in.
After the accident I was healed with all the LOVE from my classmates at Healdsburg High School.
Mothering Myself
Our Sister, Mary Frazel, ND gave Barb and me the idea to Mother ourselves this Mother’s Day.
Nancy Ruth Box is Artsy Craftsy Funny Interesting Grumpy Creative Artistic Intelligent Insufficient Agency Marcella #1’s Daughter Dusty’s Daughter Gene’s Wife Mother for her Four Box Girls I LOVE her like the wind She is the wind — by Dr. Bella Box
Growing our SPIRITS
I enjoy these poems each morning and evening while practicing yoga.
I LOVE the spiritual guidance I experience with the Daily Restorative Practice. You get to officially DO NOTHING but LET GO.
I LOVE this Yoga Studio’s approach to yoga. I have always “muscled” my way through yoga: not anymore. Now, I release into each movement according to my capacity. DAYA Foundation sprinkles JOY!
— Dr. Marcella Box