Why Women Need to Prioritize Their Own Well Being

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By Emma Grace Brown

As women, we are masters of multitasking all the things we’re responsible for in our lives, like our jobs, families, social obligations, and the myriad number of things that fill our days. But that much multitasking can take its toll on us, leaving us spent, exhausted, and personally unfulfilled.

This is why it’s essential we stop, reassess, and figure out how to put making time for ourselves a higher priority.

Make Eating Better a Priority

When you’re busy, it’s understandable that you find ways to cut back on the time you spend in the kitchen. But that can mean convenience over nutrition when it comes to your diet. You need the proper amount and balance of vitamins and nutrients, known as micronutrients, to maintain your health. And although your body only needs small amounts of each, it does need all of them to stay healthy and stave off illness and disease. Consuming the right balance of vitamins, minerals, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates can not only keep you in good health but it just makes you feel better and have more energy.

On days when you’re busy, fix a smoothie with fruits, vegetables, and fiber in the morning to give you a boost of energy for the day. Only have time for a sandwich for lunch? Even those can be packed with all the healthy foods you need while still being delicious. Just try some of these recipes and pick a few you like. Make dinners ahead of time and freeze them for days when you’re too busy or too tired to make a healthy meal. They’ll taste better and will be cheaper and easier than getting convenience food, along with being much better for you.

Prioritize Exercising Every Day

Daily exercise is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy. Physical activity improves circulation, strengthens bones and muscles, reduces the risk of disease, helps manage your weight, and even improves your brain health.

You don’t need a gym membership or have to take hours out of your day, either. Here are some exercises you can do right from home that take very little time and almost no equipment. Couple those with a brisk 30-minute walk daily, and you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll start to feel.

It’s possible to reduce feelings of anxiety, insomnia, and depression while enhancing the feelings of well-being and confidence with T’ai Chi Chih. You can also achieve many other benefits like better balance and concentration and even increased metabolism and weight control. Dr. Bella Box of My Bella Health is a certified instructor who can guide you through a ten-week course of gentle movements along with mindfulness meditation.

Prioritize Your Education

The benefits of higher education are almost endless. Getting a degree to pursue a meaningful career, one that you feel passionate about, gives you a sense of satisfaction and a feeling of accomplishment, along with allowing you to spend your days doing something that’s important to you.

And degree holders have access to more jobs, too. For instance, if you get a bachelor’s degree in business, it means you can pursue a career in accounting, business, communications, management, and so much more. And with an online degree program, you can work at your own pace and around your own schedule.

Prioritize Your Career

If you’re feeling like your career is going nowhere, or is not as fulfilling as you want, consider starting a business of your own. Begin with an idea, something you’d really enjoy doing that would make all the hours you put into it feel like more than work. Do some research with friends and your online community to see if there’s a market for it. Then create a business plan to help you work out all the steps you need to take to get from an idea to a real working business.

And if you’re concerned that you may be putting your personal finances in jeopardy by taking the risk, you should know you and structure your business as an LLC which separates your personal finances from your business ones while also you giving tax benefits and is even something you can do yourself without help from an attorney.

Taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. At the end of the day, it’s only you that can really take care of yourself. So make a priority out of eating better, getting more exercise, pursuing your education, or finally starting that home business you’ve always wanted. You’ll be glad you finally made yourself a priority.

How to Move Into a New You

young woman meditating
Image source: Pexels

By Emma Grace Brown

As adults, we often get caught up in the idea that we are who we are and that there is nothing more in the future. This is wrong! There is always an opportunity to improve yourself, whether this means starting an exercise routine, changing jobs, or learning to be accountable for your own actions. In doing any of these, you have a chance to grow and be the you that you’ve always wanted.

Keep reading for a few quick tips to get you started on your path toward change.

Start a new exercise routine.

Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start running or going to the gym. There are many different ways that you can improve your mental and physical health through physical activity. Doing yoga is just one example. My Bella Health offers free video links provided by the DAYA Foundation so that you can try yoga on your own.

Consider a mid-life career change.

Maybe you’ve been doing what you do for many years. But are you happy? If not, it’s time to get to work deciding on a new career. You can use a free resume maker (this should contain templates with professional designs that you can modify with your own pictures, text, etc.) to help you outreach to potential new employers.

Start your own business.

Perhaps you are tired of the nine-to-five grind. In this case, starting a business of your own may be just the self-improvement tactic you need to enhance your quality of life. It’s not as hard as it may sound, and a few ways that you can streamline the process here are to work with your local Chamber of Commerce, form your business entity online, and utilize cloud-based software so that you can run your business from anywhere.

Improve your health with supplements.

There is a good chance that you do not get the proper balance of nutrients out of the food you eat each day. While you should still focus on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, there are many supplements that can help you be well, even if you have to hit the drive-through once in a while. Look for supplements that are recommended by doctors, and make sure to discuss your wellness needs with your primary healthcare provider.

Admit your shortcomings.

We all have strengths and weaknesses, and it’s all too easy to spot those of others without making note of our own. But, if you truly want to grow, you have to take a deep look within yourself. High5 Tests offers a bit of advice on how to do just this, including being self-aware and journaling your thoughts and actions. One area many of us struggle with is the desire to be right all the time. Keep in mind that being right isn’t necessarily a strength, and, in fact, it may be a weakness that indicates you might need to work on your self-esteem. Regardless of where you struggle, there is no shame in admitting that the way you’ve always done things is not the way you have to continue to do them.

Self-improvement is not just for people at the beginning of their lives or careers. Even the most successful individuals have room for improvement, and the vast majority of these people are always seeking an upward trajectory. There is no reason that you should not be better tomorrow than you are today. From starting a new exercise routine to sprucing up your resume to finally admitting that you don’t know everything, today’s tips can help you take the first vital steps to get to where you want to be.

Save the Dates! ISing Choir Christmas Concerts

In this video, Dr. Bella Box invites you to her private and group T’ai Chi Chih lessons, in person and remotely on ZOOM. She also discusses the daily full practice that is free for anyone on ZOOM.

She also talks about her upcoming Christmas concert with ISing Choir and the beneficiary from the performances, the Parker Bounds Johnson Foundation which serves at-risk youth. She then shows an excerpt of one of the pieces from the concerts (O Magnum, Lauridson).

Dr. Bella Box will sing in the ISing Choir Concerts December 3-4, 2022 — Please come!

Yearning for Christmas | Saturday December 3, 2022 at 7:30 pm | Sunday December 4, 2022 at 3 pm | The Reser Center for the Arts |12625 SW Crescent St. Beaverton, OR 97005 | Reserve your tickets: Get tickets and more ISing holiday concert information here.

The Effects of Financial Stress and How to Stay Sane

Woman fretting with hands on head while sitting at a computer

Image source: Unsplash

By Emma Grace Brown

Even the most optimistic person will occasionally worry about their financial situation. There really is no way around it. We all need money to live and if we don’t have enough of it then it is only natural to be concerned. However, you cannot let your finances control your life, or the stress could impact your body and mind. It is important to continuously improve your communication and self-esteem so that you can feel and perform better every day. My Bella Health provides some great advice on why you need to prevent financial stress, and what you can do if you have concerns.

Effects of Financial Stress

While it is natural to occasionally wish that you made more money or to worry when you have a surprise expense, if you are constantly missing payments or have mounting debt, then you will likely become stressed. If your anxiety continues every day, then you could start feeling mentally exhausted. If left untreated that anxiety could bleed over into your personal life and negatively impact the relationships with the people you care about the most.

Stress can also hurt you on a physical level as well. In addition to shaking and nausea, it is not uncommon for constant stress to cause ailments such as headaches, chest pain, upset stomach, and fatigue. If that weren’t bad enough, if you are sick for long enough, it could lead to potentially life-threatening conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

Create a Budget

The main takeaway here is that if you are dealing with financial stress then you need to turn your situation around. A good start is to work on a budget where you list all of your income and all your expenses and see where you sit at the end of the month. If you find that you are short then you might have to make a change, like working a side hustle or cutting out unnecessary expenses until your situation improves.

Then, you need to think about ways that you can save money, especially when it comes to large purchases. So, if you are trying to buy a new house, you should think about ways that you can make your monthly payment more manageable. One of those methods may be to make a larger down payment. The more you pay upfront, the less your mortgage payment will be. Making a large down payment is especially important if you have a low credit score. If you do not have enough money yet, then consider waiting on the purchase until you increase the money you have in savings.

Contact a Professional

If you have any money tucked away, you might consider using it to hire an accountant or other professional to come over and look at your financial situation so they can provide advice on how to turn things around. The expert might recommend that you eliminate certain expenses, or they could recommend a new way to save money, like with a high-interest savings account. Whatever their advice might be, make sure to take it to heart so you can start to dig your way out of your stressful financial situation.

If you own a home and are having trouble paying your mortgage every month, consider reaching out to your or another lender to see about refinancing options. Can you refinance an FHA loan for a lower monthly payment when rates are low? You can always call to speak with a mortgage professional to learn more about the process, as well as the pros and cons. You may also want to ask about cashing out some of your equity during the refinance or a home equity loan of credit (HELOC). If your financial problems lie in credit card debt, pulling out a lump sum at a lower interest rate can help you get ahead of your debt.

Self-Care to Eliminate Stress

While you work on improving your finances, you should also focus on your own self-care so you can start to eliminate those stressful feelings. Start by ensuring that you get your seven to nine hours of sleep every night so you can wake up feeling refreshed. You should also go to bed earlier so you can wake up with enough time to do 20 minutes of exercise every morning, which is another great way to connect with your feelings and find the natural energy that you need to get through the day.

If you find it difficult to fall asleep, try mindfulness meditation before bed. Deep breathing can help to lower your blood pressure and calm your mind, which will make it easier to fall asleep. If you’d like guidance to start your mindfulness journey, contact Dr. Box with My Bella Health. She offers private lessons in person or via Zoom.

Finally, make sure to eat a healthy diet. Constantly eating fast food can cause you to feel sluggish due to the trans fats they contain. So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks like almonds and yogurt to get you through the day.

Moving Forward with Less Stress

In the end, if you feel financial stress, know that you are not alone. Consider the tips discussed here, and you’ll feel better in body and mind. Do what you can to eliminate unnecessary spending, and consult with professionals to help identify ways to get control of your finances, including refinancing. Money will always be a factor, but it shouldn’t cause you so much stress that it affects your body, mind, or relationships. Take steps to get your financial life back on track today.

Pick Up Where You Left Off: Re-Enter the World with Renewed Confidence

Young woman sitting outside next to her bicycle

By Emma Grace Brown

It’s not strange to find a lack of confidence in oneself after a period of isolation. Humans are social creatures, and so a decrease in interpersonal interactions can affect people in unexpected ways. It can be daunting to re-enter the world following a period of solitude, whether it was caused by an unexpected employment change, a pandemic, or just a personal funk.

Taking steps to build confidence can do wonders for people who are eager to live their lives and achieve their goals. There are a few ways that you can get started on building confidence right now, starting with the following guidance from My Bella Health.

Healthy Body for a Healthy Mind

It’s easy to fall into the trap of being anxious about your body if you feel that you’ve been lounging around too much. Studies show that there is a clear association between physical fitness and mental health. Taking care of your body enables you to hold your head high wherever you go. You can start an at-home exercise routine today with simple bodyweight exercises or using household items like canned food. Eating nutritiously is another important factor in maintaining a healthy body, especially if your primary goal is weight loss.

Self-Care for Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem and stress often go hand in hand. Stress and anxiety are often debilitating, preventing individuals from doing what they need to do to improve their self-image. Exercising simple self-care habits can help you ease into a state of relaxation. Try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Commit to using sunscreen daily, as well as clean beauty products like moisturizer and eye cream. Start meditating, practice yoga, treat yourself to forest bathing, or enhance your home for healthier living. Put a priority on wellness and personal happiness to help lift the burden of whatever is weighing on your mind.

There may be periods when, despite your best efforts, you can’t draw yourself out of a state of poor mental health. In these times, you may become curious about the effectiveness of depression meds. Fortunately, it’s never been easier to make an appointment with a physician online to have your questions answered and be evaluated for a possible prescription. You can make a convenient appointment and participate from the comfort of home. Plus, should you need medication, you can still pick it up from your local pharmacy.

Career Change for Mental Change

It’s not uncommon for one’s career to be the thing that’s inhibiting someone’s confidence. While it’s never easy to make such a huge change, switching to a new career can be a great opportunity for personal invigoration. Going back to school creates chances for self-improvement and enhances future career prospects, it can even provide you with a chance to give back. For example, if you’ve always wanted to become a nurse or a teacher, what’s stopping you? Online courses make it easier to work and go to school at the same time, giving you the opportunity to pursue a path that fills you with passion and fulfillment.

Social Boost for a Confidence Boost

The people you surround yourself with can become the ultimate source of confidence. Creating social support doesn’t always come naturally, but keeping a positive mindset can help you gravitate towards others with the same ideals. The flipside is that some relationships can be a severe detriment to your sense of self-worth.

It can be exhausting to navigate the social maze in search of the circles that lift you up and leave behind the ones that don’t. However, sharing your accomplishments with people who genuinely care can be one of the most powerful acts of building confidence. One way to share with those close to you is to use this Instagram post maker. You can customize one of many templates to create a brilliant post that your friends on social media will love to see. Getting positive feedback on social media definitely feels good.

Lacking confidence or motivation is not something to be ashamed about, nor should anyone be embarrassed to take whatever actions they see fit to improve themselves. There are as many ways to build confidence as there are unique people in the world. A strong social group can help lift you up, even if you need to make a radical change in your lifestyle or career. Confidence that’s built from within grows more and more as you cultivate and share it.

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