Marcella (Bella) Box, DC

❀ Retired Chiropractic Physician
❀ Founder and Clinic Director 1987 – 2019
Holistic Health Clinic – Beaverton, Oregon
❀ T’ai Chi Chih Teacher, Accredited in 2009
My Story
I grew up in Healdsburg, California when our population was 4,000 peeps. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 10 years old. My three younger sisters and neighborhood friends would put our used toys on a few tables out on the sidewalk. No surprise I didn’t want to be employed by anyone.
After completing my undergraduate work in Clinical Psychology, I attended the University of Western States and graduated with honors with a doctorate in chiropractic science and received the Excellent Student Clinician Award. After that, I was Board Certified to Rate Impairment and Disability and completed post-doc studies in Nutrition, Chiropractic Orthopedics, and Chiropractic Sports Medicine.
I have been a natural health care provider for many years. In 2019, I retired as Owner and Clinical Director of the Holistic Health Clinic in downtown Beaverton, Oregon. I left it in good hands with new Owner and Director of the clinic Andy Cruz, DC, Diplomate of Functional Neurology. I confidently recommend Holistic Health Clinic.
I am developing My Bella Health to facilitate my healing from my traumatic brain injury and to facilitate vitality for my friends on Planet Earth.
Bella Box, Founder, My Bella Health
Read More of Bella’s Story in Dharma Diary
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