Dr. Box Interviews Indian Sitar, Surbahar, and Music Composer Deobrat Mishra

Dr. Box interviews Deobrat Mishra — an Indian Sitar, Surbahar, and music composer. He is an exponent of the Benares Gharana school of Hindustani classical music.

In this interview Deobrat talks about the seven chakras, how they correlate to the seven notes of the music scale, the power of activating these energy centers through chanting the Beej mantras.

Deobrat Mishra discusses the importance of his very long line of Classical Indian Musicans. He is the 11th generation and his son, Krishna, is the 12th.

Deobrat Mishra discusses the importance and pitfalls of expectations.

Deobrat Mishra discusses the Academy of Indian Classical Music Varanasi, his family’s music academy in Varanasi, India.

Deobrat Mishra talks about Naad Yoga, the yoga of sound.

Deobrat Mishra envisions his future performing plans, as well as his Classical Indian Music Academy.

New Years Eve Classical Indian Mishra Family Concert
Presented by DAYA Foundation

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Brice Blatz, M.D., Regenerative and Sports Medicine Specialist

Dr. Box introduces Brice Blatz, M.D., Regenerative Medicine and Sports Medicine specialist working at RestorePDX. Bella Box, D.C. recently underwent PRP and stem cell therapy to her left knee. Dr. Blatz performed the procedure.

Dr. Box and Dr. Blatz discuss how they diagnosed the problem and what decisions they made about how to best treat Dr. Box’s knee issue with Regenerative Medicine.

Dr. Box meets with Dr. Blatz 12 days post knee procedure to see how she is doing and make sure everything is going well.

Dr. Box asks Dr. Blatz what motivated him to go into medicine.

Dr. Box asks Dr. Blatz what is his favorite part of Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Box asks Dr. Blatz to talk about how the Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cells work together with Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Blatz discusses the benefits of a patient using their own tissue for Regenerative Medical procedures.

Dr. Blatz discusses some of the other therapies he uses to enhance his treatments, including shock therapy.

Dr. Blatz discusses how he likes to incorporate treatment from many holistic practitioners to get the best patient outcomes.

Dr. Blatz discusses the unloader brace he has selected for Dr. Box to facilitate the healing of the knee post procedure.

Dr. Blatz discusses how he determined the best approach for Dr. Box’s knee problem using Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Blatz discusses how he approaches the subject of people who doubt the effectiveness of Regenerative Medicine