Our good friend, Ron, recently moved Madeleine, his mom, up from California. The transition from a house to an apartment has been understandably difficult for her. I put this arrangement together for her to warm up her new digs. — Bella
Our good friend, Ron, recently moved Madeleine, his mom, up from California. The transition from a house to an apartment has been understandably difficult for her. I put this arrangement together for her to warm up her new digs. — Bella
I made this flower arrangement for Judy for her 81st birthday. She has been our next-door neighbor since the late 80s. We feel fortunate that we have such a sweet friendship with her. — Bella
I made this flower arrangement for Gry, our neighbor, who lovingly cared for Patty the last month of her life. Gry is a retired RN who worked at OHSU and St. Vincent’s Hospital. Patty was a master gardener, adding beauty to our lane for fifty years. She took care of many stray kitties, finding homes for them. Patty was quick with a smile and a wave. — Bella