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Facing Grief
In this newsletter Bella discusses the deaths of her beloved 14.5 year old Corgi Grace and 10 days later her nearly 94 year old father, and her empowering decision to have her own memorial service for her father, as she is estranged from the rest of her family. Bella also discusses some techniques she is using to assist with her grieving process, such as Progressive Relaxation.
The Effects of Financial Stress and How to Stay Sane

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Even the most optimistic person will occasionally worry about their financial situation. There really is no way around it. We all need money to live and if we don’t have enough of it then it is only natural to be concerned. However, you cannot let your finances control your life, or the stress could impact your body and mind. It is important to continuously improve your communication and self-esteem so that you can feel and perform better every day. My Bella Health provides some great advice on why you need to prevent financial stress, and what you can do if you have concerns.
Effects of Financial Stress
While it is natural to occasionally wish that you made more money or to worry when you have a surprise expense, if you are constantly missing payments or have mounting debt, then you will likely become stressed. If your anxiety continues every day, then you could start feeling mentally exhausted. If left untreated that anxiety could bleed over into your personal life and negatively impact the relationships with the people you care about the most.
Stress can also hurt you on a physical level as well. In addition to shaking and nausea, it is not uncommon for constant stress to cause ailments such as headaches, chest pain, upset stomach, and fatigue. If that weren’t bad enough, if you are sick for long enough, it could lead to potentially life-threatening conditions like heart disease and diabetes.
Create a Budget
The main takeaway here is that if you are dealing with financial stress then you need to turn your situation around. A good start is to work on a budget where you list all of your income and all your expenses and see where you sit at the end of the month. If you find that you are short then you might have to make a change, like working a side hustle or cutting out unnecessary expenses until your situation improves.
Then, you need to think about ways that you can save money, especially when it comes to large purchases. So, if you are trying to buy a new house, you should think about ways that you can make your monthly payment more manageable. One of those methods may be to make a larger down payment. The more you pay upfront, the less your mortgage payment will be. Making a large down payment is especially important if you have a low credit score. If you do not have enough money yet, then consider waiting on the purchase until you increase the money you have in savings.
Contact a Professional
If you have any money tucked away, you might consider using it to hire an accountant or other professional to come over and look at your financial situation so they can provide advice on how to turn things around. The expert might recommend that you eliminate certain expenses, or they could recommend a new way to save money, like with a high-interest savings account. Whatever their advice might be, make sure to take it to heart so you can start to dig your way out of your stressful financial situation.
If you own a home and are having trouble paying your mortgage every month, consider reaching out to your or another lender to see about refinancing options. Can you refinance an FHA loan for a lower monthly payment when rates are low? You can always call to speak with a mortgage professional to learn more about the process, as well as the pros and cons. You may also want to ask about cashing out some of your equity during the refinance or a home equity loan of credit (HELOC). If your financial problems lie in credit card debt, pulling out a lump sum at a lower interest rate can help you get ahead of your debt.
Self-Care to Eliminate Stress
While you work on improving your finances, you should also focus on your own self-care so you can start to eliminate those stressful feelings. Start by ensuring that you get your seven to nine hours of sleep every night so you can wake up feeling refreshed. You should also go to bed earlier so you can wake up with enough time to do 20 minutes of exercise every morning, which is another great way to connect with your feelings and find the natural energy that you need to get through the day.
If you find it difficult to fall asleep, try mindfulness meditation before bed. Deep breathing can help to lower your blood pressure and calm your mind, which will make it easier to fall asleep. If you’d like guidance to start your mindfulness journey, contact Dr. Box with My Bella Health. She offers private lessons in person or via Zoom.
Finally, make sure to eat a healthy diet. Constantly eating fast food can cause you to feel sluggish due to the trans fats they contain. So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and healthy snacks like almonds and yogurt to get you through the day.
Moving Forward with Less Stress
In the end, if you feel financial stress, know that you are not alone. Consider the tips discussed here, and you’ll feel better in body and mind. Do what you can to eliminate unnecessary spending, and consult with professionals to help identify ways to get control of your finances, including refinancing. Money will always be a factor, but it shouldn’t cause you so much stress that it affects your body, mind, or relationships. Take steps to get your financial life back on track today.
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Supplements Hand Picked by Dr Box NOW FOR SALE on MyBellaHealth.com

My Bella Health Supplements Online Store
My Bella Health offers effective, natural medicine solutions for a broad spectrum of health conditions. These health supplements are hand picked by Dr. Marcella Box and are available for purchase online through Wellevate by Emerson Ecologics. Dr. Box made a video for each product to explain why she recommends it.
Currently listed supplements include:
- Aller-All by Protocol For Life Balance
- Basic B Complex by Thorne
- BCQ by Vital Nutrients
- Berberine Complex by Integrative Therapeutics
- Flora 20-14 Ultra Strength by Innate Response
- Hydrolyzyme by Designs for Health
- Immunitone Plus by Designs for Health
- OmegaGenics® EPA-DHA 720 Lemon by Metagenics
- OmegaGenics® EPA-DHA 1000 and 2400 by Metagenics
- Theracurmin HP by Integrative Therapeutics
- Vital Immunity by Progressive Labs
Why purchase through My Bella Health?
- As an established natural health care provider, Dr. Box wants to help you optimize your health.
- You are supporting a local, woman-owned business.
- Healthfully sidestep away from billionaires.
Check Out My Bella Health Supplements and the videos of Doctor Box explaining why she recommends each product.
Learn more about our recommended natural medicine solutions by clicking on the descriptions or email Dr. Box at info@mybellahealth.com. Also consult your health care provider for instructions specific for you.